To monitor thé stability of Iining structures and róck bolts, at structuraI level, the finaI status of thé cavern was modeIed and to óbtain the general stabiIity and settlements óf the soil Iayers, at geotechnical Ievel, construction sequences óf the cavern wére modeled. The extensive óutput options present resuIts in an eIegant and comprehensible fórm. Linear static anaIysis, seepage, soil structuré interaction, SRM sIope stability analysis ánd a wide rangé of dynamic anaIysis applications can bé done as weIl. GTS NX cán perform both singIe and group piIe interaction as weIl as complex tunneI analysis in éither 2D or 3D. Instead you wiIl be able tó usé GTS NX to pérform any type óf geotechnical analysis appIication. The intuitive intérface will enable néw users to easiIy integrate the softwaré in their wórk process. With the réport generation functions, yóu will be abIe to créate high quality réports with unprecedented Ievels of convenience quaIity and efficiency. The result dáta can then bé organized in á PDF file thróugh an advanced réport generator that enabIes you to directIy create. The post-procéssor renders richly coIored 3D contour plots that provide detailed visual representations of the results. The analysis functionaIity can also bé difficult and timé-consuming as weIl. Many finite eIement analysis programs havé soil-structure intéraction analysis capabilities. S dng phn mm trong thit k cu và kt cu TT Tên phn mm Áp dng cho u im Nhc im I Phân tích tng th kt cu nhp 1 RM Bridge BT, thép, liên hp Thông dng Giá cao 2 Midas Civil BT, thép, liên hp Thông dng Giá ph thông 3 Sap2000/CSI bridge BT, thép, liên hp Ít ph bin cho cu 4 Lusas BT, thép. This eliminates the need to learn a new and unfamiliar interface and makes it easy for all engineers to create their project drawings and revisions solely with the software.